
quinta-feira, novembro 27, 2008


My worthy Mr. Engineer! Do you really believe that all the bloggers of the whole world are actually such simpletons?

Fritz Lang, Metropolis, 1927

One of the richest and most eminent American merchants, a certain Edward Albert Filene, Vice-Chairman of the International Congress of Chambers of Commerce, is now touring Paris, Berlin and other big European centres to make personal contact with the most influential people of the commercial world.

At the banquets arranged, as is fitting, by the richest people of Europe in honour of one of the American rich, the latter is developing his “new” ideas on the world power of the merchant. Frankfurter = Zeitung,[1] the organ of German finance capital, reports in detail the ideas of this “advanced” American millionaire.

We are experiencing a great historic movement,” he proclaims, “that will end in the transfer of all power over the modern world to representatives of commercial capital. We are the people who bear the greatest responsibility in the world and we should, therefore, be politically the most influential.

Democracy is growing, the power of the masses is growing,” argued Mr. Filene (rather inclined, it seems, to regard those “masses” as simpletons). “The cost of living is rising. Parliamentarism and the newspapers, distributed in millions of copies a day, are providing the masses of the people with ever more detailed information.

The masses are striving to ensure for themselves participation in political life, the extension of franchise, the introduction of an income-tax, etc. Power over the whole world must pass into the hands of the masses, that is, into the hands of our employees,” is the conclusion drawn by this worthy orator.

The natural leaders of the masses should be the industrialists and merchants, who are learning more and more to understand the community of their interests and those of the masses.” (We note in parenthesis that the cunning Mr. Filene is the owner of a gigantic commercial house employing 2,500 people, and that he has “organised” his employees in a “democratic” organisation with profit-sharing, etc. Since he considers his employees hopeless simpletons, Mr. Filene is sure that they are completely satisfied and infinitely grateful to their “father-benefactor” ....)

Wage increases, the improvement of labour conditions, that is what will bind our employees to us,” said Mr. Filene, “that is what will guarantee our power over the whole world. Everybody in the world who is at all talented will come to us to enter our service.

We need organisation and still more organisation—strong, democratic organisation, both national and inter national,” the American exclaimed. He called upon the commercial world of Paris, Berlin, etc., to reorganise international chambers of commerce. They should unite the merchants and industrialists of all civilised countries in a single, mighty organisation. All important international problems should be discussed and settled by that organisation.

Such are the ideas of an “advanced” capitalist, Mr. Filene.

The reader will see that these ideas are a paltry, narrow, one-sided, selfishly barren approximation to the ideas of Marxism propounded over sixty years ago. “We” are great masters at upsetting and refuting Marx; “we”, the civilised merchants and professors of political economy, have refuted him completely!... And at the same time we steal little bits and pieces from him and boast to the whole world of our “progressiveness”....

My worthy Mr. Filene! Do you really believe that the workers of the whole world are actually such simpletons?

W. [V. I. Lenine], "The Ideas of an Advanced Capitalist", Rabochaya Pravda, No. 4, July 17, 1913. Tradução de George Hanna, Lenin Collected Works, Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1977, volume 19, pages 275-276.

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Hollow shell

"We are watching the rebirth of colonization and a colonial mentality of a new type represented by the ‘human rights’ brigades and their friends in Le Monde and Libération, of which the war in Iraq and the failure of the West to force Israel to retreat from its colonial positions are good examples. And tied to that is the process of neo-liberalism and the neo-liberal economy, which makes democracy itself into a very hollow shell"

Tariq Ali, Naked Punch Review 06

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terça-feira, novembro 25, 2008


A minha madrinha ganhou a medalha de prata no campeonato internacional português de blogueiros!

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terça-feira, novembro 18, 2008


Relatório e contas da construção do novo ramal Sul e respectivos apeadeiros

Orazio Gentileschi, "Danaë", c. 1621: "Desde os gregos, vai para mais de vinte cinco séculos, se sabe que o divino é meta-existente - quer dizer, está para lá da existência, transcende-a. (...) Por muito que nos custe, Deus não orbita: exorbita. Uma exorbitância completamente fora do alcance da nossa bolsa e dos basbaques da nossa ciência." (Eng. ferroviário César Augusto Dragão Lopes da Silva, "Exorbitância", Dragoscópio, 5 de Maio de 2008). Foge daí, Danaë filha, que o gajo vai com o corpo celeste fora de órbita e ainda levas com ele! Não! Não ponhas a mão! (Bom. Está bem... Ao menos deixa a boquinha fechada...). Não é por acaso que a indústria lhe chama o "money shot"...

"Most religious buildings today are intended for congregational worship, where groups of people get together on a regular basis to celebrate their god and receive spiritual comfort. Ancient Greek temples were rarely used this way. They were meant to serve as homes for the individual god or goddess who protected and sustained the community. It was the needs of the gods that were most important. They controlled the forces of nature— the sun and rain which nourished their crops and the winds which drove their ships. Although generally benevolent, the gods could be quite capricious and were liable to turn against the community— so it was in everyone's interest to make sure that they should feel completely at home. Their houses were the finest, equipped with a staff of servants to look after their every need. They received daily offerings of food and drink along with a proper share of the harvest and the profits of any trading or military activity.

The god or goddess was represented by a cult image— usually a seated or standing statue— which occupied the central place in the temple".

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quinta-feira, novembro 13, 2008


Re-ligar (2)

Picolho de choque superiormente dirigido para a porrada na Terra Santa

"Este Des-ligar das pessoas consiste numa guerra permanente, envenenadora e insidiosa sobre tudo o que possa congregá-las ou re-ligá-las. Daí, entre outras, a campanha devidamente orquestrada e premeditada contra a "re-ligião". Porque estorva e dificulta a "des-ligião".
É neste enquadramento que se situam todos os quistos efervescentes de propaganda artificialmente empolada e superiormente dirigida, como são, por exemplo, as organizações LGTB ou as Ligas de Frenéticos e Convulsionários Ateístas. São tropinhas de choque do mercado e da indústria, autómatos-biscateiros programados e segregados pela coligação 'super-apta'".

Eng. César Augusto Dragão Lopes da Silva, "Metapredação", Dragoscópio, 4 de Maio de 2008.

Convulsionários ateístas à bordoada no Santo Sepulcro, em Jerusalém, na Terra Santa

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segunda-feira, novembro 10, 2008


Re-ligar (como em "liga-duras")

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quarta-feira, novembro 05, 2008



Ontem, dia 4 de Novembro de 2008, escreveu-se uma página brilhante da História contemporânea - da História da Civilização Ocidental, tal como os gregos a começaram há já mais de 2.500 anos!

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