"Three days after
Munich, Israel ordered a bombing which required the use of some 75 Israeli aircraft (the largest attack since 1967). Their bombings of Palestinian refugee camps in Syria and Lebanon resulted in the killing of more than 200 civilians. And this is not because the Israelis were after a camp north of Sidon that was used for training the Munich attackers. That camp was not even hit (another sign that Israelis had no information about the real culprits of Munich) while other camps with civilians in them were bombed."
"September 9 : Israeli war planes attack Arab terrorist bases in Syria and Lebanon in retaliation for the Munich Olympic massacre. Three Syrian jets are shot down over the Golan Heights. The UN Security Council adopts a resolution calling for an end of military operations by "the parties concerned." A U.S. resolution deploring the
München massacre is not considered."
Etiquetas: Camps, Colonialism, Death, Film, Genocide, Holocaust, Middle East, Munich, Racism